So as I mentioned in the previous post, I still have not exercised since returning from the camping trip. I also still trying to get my eating under control. I am definitely an emotional eater. Not only am I currently dealing with moderate cramping, I went to my endocrinologist yesterday to discuss my most recent test results and explain to her all of my symptoms. Luckily, she did listen to the fact that I feel like crap even though my test results are considered by most doctors to be "normal" (except for the antibodies, which are really high). I asked to be taken off of Synthroid and put on Armour (Natural Dessicated Thyroid that comes from pigs and contains all of the thyroid hormones instead of only T4). Unfortunately, this doctor doesn't like to work with Armour. She wants me to try another synthetic T4 only medication called Tirosint since many of her patients have done better on this than Synthroid. The only plus to this one is that it has no additives or fillers. It is also liquid capsule, so my body should absorb it better. I'm giving this one a try for 2 months, and if I'm not happy with the results my doctor said she will send me to someone who does work with Armour. I'm really hoping I will see a difference on Tirosint, but the major downfall is that it costs $55 per 28 day supply. I guess at this point I will pay almost anything to feel better.
I started taking the Tirosint today, so all I can do is wait and see if I have an increase in energy. I want to be healthy and lost weight, but every time I try to exercise I am completely exhausted and end up in a lot of pain. I then end up doing absolutely nothing for the next few days as I try to recover. I think I'm going to schedule an appointment with a holistic doctor to try to come up with a better solution and compare the two doctors' opinions. I probably won't be able to get an appointment with one anyway until after my next round of tests anyway. I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water at this point.
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